Monthly Archives: August 2020
Are you working from home?
Many of us are right now and never has looking after ourselves been more important. Here are a few ways you can prioritise your health and well-being whilst working from home.
NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming
Words have power… but how much time do we really spend in the moment before we speak, about exactly what we are going to say or how we are going to say it? NLP is about just that. Want to find out more? Read on.
Top 5 – You and your microbiome
Microbiome is the biological term for the total population and variety of bacteria that are in your intestines. Your intestines do a lot of leg work when it comes to your digestion, allowing you to extract the nutrients, vitamins and electrons you need, and the microbiome within them also defends you against poor health.
Top 5 – Signs of good digestive health
Do you know what good digestive health looks like? Or indeed, what it feels like? Your digestive system is one of the most important structures in your body, helping you to live an energised, nourished and balanced life.