Stay positive
It’s been a crazy time in life for lots of us recently, with wild fires, global warming, killer viruses, police brutality and more hitting us in the face daily, in the news and on social media. How do we cope? How do we stay positive and move forward?
Be Here Now.
Honour your body by respecting it. Treat it well (it’s the only one you’ve got). Love yourself enough to disconnect from what doesn’t serve you, or bring joy. Love your community enough to get involved with causes close to your heart. Connect with nature. Learn the one-ness and interdependence of humans on nature and why we must respect and honour Mother Earth. Have a voice for those that do not, stand up and be vocal to injustice. Tell your friends and family (and yourself) that you love them everyday, as often as possible, as we don’t how much time we truly have with those we love.
This month…
I’m reading…
Lifespan by David A Sinclair PhD. If you are interested in prolonging your life and being super healthy while you’re at it, this is a great book! It’s a deep dive into both scientific and practical strategies for a fulfilling long life written by a world expert in longevity and someone I am really inspired by.
I’m watching…
With our current situation I’ve been watching more documentaries than normal and one I have re-watched a lot is Revolutions: The Ideas That Changed the World with Professor Jim Al-Khalili, available on Netflix or BBC. Electricity, it’s the 5th Law in my first book The Hidden Cure, The 5 Laws of Perfect Health, and it is in us, in fact it is what makes us run, without electricity we would be lost. From electric fields to electromagnetic waves, I just LOVE this stuff!
I’m taking…
My favs currently are Vitamin D, C and Zinc as well as Selenium and Monolaurin. Together they are my simple immunity booster, not only for the current Covid health crisis, but any other nasty virus or bacteria knocking around. My absolute favourite is Vitamin Sunshine and there is a lot of it out there right now, so go sit safely somewhere in nature and let the sunshine / Vitamin D in!
I’m listening to…
I know I should say some riveting podcast but with all of the stress all around us I have found an escape in classical music and have even recently succeeded in hooking our 15-year old son on classical since I blasted Nisi Dominus on repeat in the garden on a lovely sunny day!