Women’s wellness
Perimenopausal and Menopausal programmes.
Banish symptoms, stabilise hormones and balance body and mind.
Our clients experience a wide variety of symptoms during these sensitive years. These include weight gain / difficulty losing weight, disturbed sleep, hot flushes, anxiety and depression, sugar cravings, low libido, dry skin, brain fog and more. The aim of this programme is to support and manage your symptoms and uncover the unique triggers that exacerbate them, thereby enabling a better transition through menopause.
This programme will help stabilise your hormones, eliminate excess estrogens, decrease inflammation and balance the mind and the body. It is designed to support your hormones, gut health, sleep and any possible thyroid impacts. This is done with diet, supplementation, lifestyle and the possible introduction of bio identical hormones to balance your hormonal systems.
We treat the cause, not the symptoms, and empower you to take control of your health,
for a revitalised and happier quality of life.
We offer a Methylation genetics panel, detailed physiology, live blood microscopy and comprehensive blood and urine analysis with a bespoke treatment plan for you to follow. On top of that we use one of the most recognised functional hormone tests known as the DUTCH test in order to identify any hormone / adrenal imbalances. This test assesses a large number of hormones including oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, melatonin, serotonin and more. Based on your health history, we may also request thyroid panels.
Root causes of symptoms and issues will be discussed and tailored solutions will be created using the test results to inform your personalised programme. These tests are repeated at key stages to ensure you continue to enjoy maximum benefits on your programme. Tests used: Genetics / In- house bloods / DUTCH test / Thyroid panel.
We’re with you every step of the way.
If you have any questions please speak to one of our team for further support and guidance. We welcome new clients to contact us at hello@themaasclinic.com or on 01730 890 309.