Here at The Maas Clinic we’re focused on helping our clients to achieve a better healthspan as well as a longer lifespan.

What’s the difference, you may ask?

Lifespan refers to the chronological amount—quantity – of time someone lives for.
Healthspan refers to the quality of health an individual experiences during the years that they live for.

Living a vibrant healthy life for as long as possible, free of disease and ailments, requires a focus on healthspan as well as length of life.

Below we share 5 health habits to adopt for a better healthspan.

1. Good quality sleep

Adequate, good quality sleep is an essential component to your overall health and wellbeing. Did you know that sleep affects every system within your body? Your hormones, digestion, cognitive function and more are all impacted by your sleep.

Furthermore, chronic poor quality sleep and lack of sleep, have been linked to a predisposition to inflammation, chronic disease and illness which can impact health-and-lifespan.

Focus on good sleep habits – a cool, dark bedroom, regular bedtime and regulated Circadian rhythm – to ensure that you’re nurturing this essential health pillar.

2. Eating a nutrient-rich diet

Nutrition is one of the core pillars of good health.

Good gut health is vital to your wellbeing. If your digestive system is working well, you’ll feel nourished, energised and balanced.

Other benefits of good gut health include better emotional stability, improved absorption of nutrients and electrons and more vitality – all of which can contribute to a brighter healthspan!

3. Connecting with Mother Nature

Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, diversify the gut microbiome and help to create connection with the wider world.

Ideas for connecting with Mother Nature:

  • take a walk at least 1 x a day. Walking is a gentle form of exercise, can lower blood pressure and allows you an opportunity to connect with nature. Pay attention to the seasonal changes around you.
  • schedule a ‘walking meeting’ or a ‘walking get-together’ with a friend to include more time in nature. A bonus: moving while talking has been shown to increase memory recall.
  • take photos. Capturing photos of nature, on your phone or on a camera, can help to lock in and preserve memories. Share your photos with friends and family, and keep an ongoing album so that you can look back on it as the seasons change.

Connecting with Mother Nature can deepen your relationship with time as well as the world around you, both improving the quality of life.

4. Spending time in good company

Connection is one of the universal measures of ‘living a good life’. Community has been shown to improve mental and emotional health, as well as offering support in times of need.

Remember: you are the average of the people you spend the most time with. Be sure to nurture relationships with people who lift you up.

People who live in community and have strong relationships report better emotional health as they age.

5. Regular exercise

Exercising throughout life has a myriad of health benefits and is linked to a reduced risk of disease and illness. As you age, exercise can help to mitigate common issues including hormonal imbalances, loss of bone density and poor cognitive function.

Finding movement you enjoy is a critical component in ensuring exercise regularity. Frequency is more important than intensity when it comes to exercise. What do you enjoy doing? If you don’t know yet, try a new activity!

You can even combine some of the tips above in one fell swoop: why not connect with a friend (good company) while taking a walk (connecting with Mother Nature)?

Let us know how you get on with these simple health habits to adopt for a better healthspan!

Want a helping hand?

We are passionate about unpicking our clients’ health concerns and it is our number one focus to help our clients to achieve their optimal health.

Reach out to our friendly clinic team today!